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CU Amiga Magazine (Jun 1995) front cover
CU Amiga Magazine
Previous issue June 1995      3 coverdisks Next issue
Contents from CU Amiga Magazine (Jun 1995) Reviews from CU Amiga Magazine (Jun 1995) Previews from CU Amiga Magazine (Jun 1995) Cheats from CU Amiga Magazine (Jun 1995) Other stuff from CU Amiga Magazine (Jun 1995) Coverdisks from CU Amiga Magazine (Jun 1995) Advertisements from CU Amiga Magazine (Jun 1995)

Pages 132 Price £3.99
Contents Pages 4-6
Game Reviews 11 Average 76 %
Compilation Game Reviews 1 Average 75 %
All Reviews 12 Average 76 %
Cover Story Image FX: we show you how to manipulate scans and clip art like this: all the software you need on this months coverdisks
Plus: RAM speed test: Blizzard 1230 III; OctaMED 6 reviewed
Amiga rescued: the long wait is over
Spine Text Image FX: the Amiga's best image processing package
Editor Alan Dykes
Note Coverdisks 108, 109 and 110

Contents Page Scans




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