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The Games Machine 6 (May 1988) front cover
The Games Machine (Oct 1987-Dec 1988)
Previous issue Issue 6      May 1988       Next issue
Contents from The Games Machine 6 (May 1988) Reviews from The Games Machine 6 (May 1988) Previews from The Games Machine 6 (May 1988) Cheats from The Games Machine 6 (May 1988) Other stuff from The Games Machine 6 (May 1988) Coverdisks from The Games Machine 6 (May 1988) Advertisements from The Games Machine 6 (May 1988)

Pages 116 Price £1.25
Contents Pages 5, 37
Game Reviews 54 Average 68 %
All Reviews 54 Average 68 %
Cover Story Babyface battles! An exclusive from America - Nolan Bushnell's latest techno-venture unveiled!
MSX 2 Powerplay: Usas & F1-Spirit
Grow your own radio: The airwaves could be yours - we tell you how!
Behind the Bulletin: TGM visit's the Bulletin 1000 to see how those telly ads are made
It's a crime! To miss out on Playing By Mail
Steam computers: New hi-tech train sets
Win an Amiga & colour monitor!
Pages of the latest games: Amiga, Atari ST, Amstrad CPC/PCW, PC compatibles, MSX 2, Commodore 64/128, Spectrum 48/128
Editor Oliver Frey

Contents Page Scans



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